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Being glued to your seat at work may score you points with the boss, but you could be damaging your health. Add in commute time and watching TV at home, Americans spend a lot of time sitting down. Sitting for long periods of time can increase your risk of developing cancer even if you’re otherwise fit.

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A good friend of mine, Sara, is a mother of two, living a busy life with a full-time job. For months she had been ignoring the fact that she was constantly short of breath. She assumed it was because she hadn’t been working out and old age was catching up to her.

If you’re overweight or obese, exercise along with diet can reduce your risk of chronic disease. That’s the conclusion of a new study in the journal Cancer Research, which found that losing 5 to 10 percent of your body weight through the combined effort can result in a measurable reduction of markers for inflammation.

Diet fads seem to be everywhere these days, and there’s a lot of confusion about which one to try, which one will work, and which one is best for your health. Elizabeth Clay, DO is a resident at Center for Family Care, which is a family medicine practice located directly next to Florida Hospital East. She asserts that there is one diet, however, that is worth giving a chance: the Mediterranean diet.

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